EIS (2010) – sub-head to additional 118 docs
- Executive Summary
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 Project Alternatives
- 3.0 Project Description
- 4.0 Transportation
- 5.0 Waste Management
- 6.01 Assessment methodology
- 6.02 Climate
- 6.03 Land
- 6.04 Nature Conservation
- 6.05 Surface Water
- 6.06 Groundwater
- 6.07 Associated Water Management
- 6.08 Air Quality
- 6.09 Greenhouse Gas
- 6.10 Noise and vibration
- 6.11 Land Use
- 6.12 Visual
- 6.13 Cultural Heritage
- 6.14 Social
- 6.15 Economics
- 6.16 Rehabilitation
- 7.01 Assessment Methodology
- 7.02 Climate
- 7.03 Land
- 7.04 Nature Conservation
- 7.05 Surface Water
- 7.06 Groundwater
- 7.07 Coastal Environment
- 7.08 Air Quality
- 7.09 Greenhouse Gas
- 7.10 Noise and Vibration
- 7.11 Land Use
- 7.12 Visual Amenity
- 7.13 Cultural Heritage
- 7.14 Social
- 7.15 Economics
- 7.16 Rehabilitation
- 8.01 Assessment Methodology
- 8.02 Climate
- 8.03 Land
- 8.04 Nature Conservation
- 8.05 Surface Water
- 8.06 Groundwater
- 8.07 Coastal Environment
- 8.08 Air Quality
- 8.09 Greenhouse Gas
- 8.10 Noise and Vibration
- 8.11 Land Use
- 8.12 Visual Amenity
- 8.13 Cultural Heritage
- 8.14 Social
- 8.15 Economics
- 8.16 Rehabilitation
- 8.17 Dredge Material
- 9.0 Community Consultation
- 10.0 Hazard and Risk
- 11.0 Coal Seam Gas Environmental Management Plan
- 12.0 Gas Transmission Pipeline Environmental Management Plan
- 13.0 LNG Facility Environmental Management Plan
- 14.0 Marine Facilities Environmental Management Plan
- 15.0 Bridge and Services Environmental Management Plan
- 16.0 Sustainability
- 17.0 Conclusions and Recommendations
- 18.0 References
- Appendix A Terms Of Reference
- Appendix AA Northern Pipeline Alternative
- Appendix B ToR Cross Reference
- Appendix BB3 Health and Safety
- Appendix C Development Approvals
- Appendix CC Aviation Report
- Appendix D EIS Study Team
- Appendix DD1 HR Wallingford Report
- Appendix DD2 Surface Water Dredge Material
- Appendix DD3 Groundwater Assessment Phase 1 Dredge Spoil Disposal
- Appendix DD4 Water Mouse Powerful Owl & Wading Bird Assessment
- Appendix DD5 Noise 20-2014 URS Dredging Disposal
- Appendix E Community Consultation
- Appendix EE Environmental Performance Appendix
- Appendix F Proponent Commitments
- Appendix FF Confidential Information
- Appendix G EPBC Report
- Appendix H Gas Transmission Pipeline Route Studies
- Appendix I Land Tenure Maps
- Appendix J Traffic and Transport
- Appendix K Waste Management
- Appendix L1 Soils and Terrain CSG Field
- Appendix L2 Soils and Terrain Pipeline
- Appendix L3 Soils and Terrain LNG Facility
- Appendix L4 Soils and Terrain Acid Sulfate Soils
- Appendix M Contaminated Land
- Appendix N1 Nature Conservation CSG Field
- Appendix N2 Nature Conservation Gas Transmission Pipeline Fauna
- Appendix N2 Nature Conservation Gas Transmission Pipeline Flora Pipeline
- Appendix N3 Nature Conservation LNG Facility Fauna
- Appendix N3 Nature Conservation LNG Facility Flora
- Appendix N4 Aquatic Flora and Fauna
- Appendix O1 Surface Water CSG Field (Associated Discharge Study)
- Appendix O2 Surface Water Gas Transmission Pipeline
- Appendix O3 Surface Water LNG Facility
- Appendix P1 GLNG Groundwater (Shallow)
- Appendix P2 Groundwater (Deep)
- Appendix Q Associated Water Management Strategy Report
- Appendix R1 Marine Ecology
- Appendix R2 Marine Water Quality
- Appendix R3 Marine Sediment Report
- Appendix S Air Quality
- Appendix T Greenhouse Gas Report
- Appendix U1 Terrestrial Noise
- Appendix U2 Marine Noise
- Appendix V Land Use and Project Approvals
- Appendix W1 Visual Amenity CSG Field & Pipeline
- Appendix W2 Visual Amenity LNG Facility
- Appendix X Non-Indigenous Cultural Heritage
- Appendix Y Indigenous Cultural Heritage
- Appendix Z Social Impact Assessment
- Index of renamed government departments 2009
- Glossary and Abbreviations