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Barossa Gas Project: Learn more

In accordance with Conditions 3 and 7 of the EPBC approval, on 3 May 2024 Santos lodged with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, the Coniston/Novara Field Development Project annual compliance report (2023/2024) for EPBC 2011/5995, along with other documents published in accordance with the Coniston/Novara approval conditions.

In accordance with Part 18A of the National Gas Rules, Santos provides the following information relating to non-pipeline infrastructure terms and prices:

Ballera Compression Facility

As required by the Capacity Trading Reforms legislated under the National Gas (South Australia) Act 2008, and the associated Operational Transportation Service Code, Santos has published an OTSA for the Ballera Compression Facility which reflects current operational practices.

The OTSA is comprised of:

  • The Form of Agreement (published 11 January 2024), view the document here.
  • The Facility Specific Terms (published 11 January 2024), view the document here.
  • Sections 3 and 4 of the Code, view the Code here.

Previous version

  • The Form of Agreement (published 15 November 2023), view version 3 of the document here.
  • The Facility Specific Terms (published 15 November 2023), view version 3 of the document here.
  • The Form of Agreement, view marked up version 3 vs version 4 of the document here.
  • The Facility Specific Terms, view marked up version 3 vs version 4 the document here.

In accordance with the requirements of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012, Santos Ltd lodged its annual compliance report on 27 June 2024. Copies of the report and data appendices can be found here:

To read the Santos Employer Statement 2023 that gives context to our WGEA gender pay gap results, click here.

As required by the Gas Day Harmonisation under the National Gas Rules, attached is the Santos – Gas Day Harmonisation Transition Plan.

The Darwin LNG plant at Wickham Point operates under Environment Protection Licence 217 (EPL).

Comprehensive environmental impact assessments were undertaken for both Bayu-Undan field development and Darwin LNG plant before they were established:

Further information on the Environmental Management Programme for Darwin LNG during initial construction:

Bayu-Undan to Darwin Gas Export Pipeline

DLNG to PWC Pipeline

The DLNG to PWC Pipeline is a non-scheme transmission pipeline under the National Gas Rules, owned and operated by Darwin LNG.

Darwin LNG Transition Work Program

Darwin LNG has a 24-hour community hotline: 1800 267 600. Please call this number if you have any safety or environmental concerns relating to the facility.

An Offshore Project Proposal (OPP) has been prepared in accordance with the Australian Government’s environmental assessment process for a new petroleum project in Commonwealth waters.

Barossa Marine Surveys

Barossa Production Operations

Barossa Subsea Infrastructure and FPSO Moorings

Barossa Development Drilling and Completions

Barossa Gas Export Pipeline

Darwin Pipeline Duplication (DPD) Project

Barossa Project Quarterly Updates

Barossa Gas Project FAQs

In accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994, on 22 March 2021, Santos lodged with the Department of Environment and Science (DES) a site-specific Environmental Authority application for Petroleum Lease (PL) 1055.

  • View the Application Form here
  • View the Supporting Information Report (including Appendices A, B and E) here
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix C here
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix D here
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix F here: Vol 1 and Vol 2
  • View the response to Information Request Notice here

In accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994, on 11 May 2021, Santos lodged with the Department of Environment and Science (DES) a site-specific Environmental Authority application for Petroleum Lease (PL) 1058.

  • View the Application Form here
  • View the Supporting Information Report (including Appendices A, B and F) here
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix C here
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix D here
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix E here
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix G here: Vol 1 and Vol 2
  • View the response to Information Request Notice here

Santos Limited is proposing to conduct the Petrel Sub-basin SW 3D Marine Seismic Survey activity in Commonwealth Waters approximately 28 km north-east from the Western Australian coastline and 80 km north-west from the Northern Territory coastline.

The survey would be acquired in a window between 1 December 2021 and 31 March 2022 or 1 December 2022 and 31 March 2023. The total survey duration with contingency time is 100 days.

An environment plan (EP) for the activity has been prepared in accordance with the regulation administered by NOPSEMA under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006.

A comment period is open until 16 August 2021 providing the public with an opportunity to submit a comment in relation to the EP. To submit a comment or for further information about the activity, go to NOPSEMA’s website at:

Open for public comment from 20/08/2021 – 29/10/2021

Santos and its joint venture partner, Carnarvon Petroleum are proposing to develop the Dorado field, located approximately 143 kilometres north of Port Hedland in Western Australia.

The Dorado development will consist of an initial phase of liquids production with all gas reinjected to optimise liquids recovery ahead of a future phase of gas export. The project area extends across petroleum titles WA-437-P and WA-438-P, and Santos is the Operator of both leases.

The development concept includes a wellhead platform (WHP), a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facility and subsea flowlines and umbilicals between the WHP and the FPSO, all located in Commonwealth waters.

Santos is pleased to advise that the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) has released the Dorado Development Offshore Project Proposal (Dorado OPP) for public comment.

The Dorado OPP has been prepared by Santos, in accordance with the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2009 administered by NOPSEMA under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006.

The OPP is prepared during a project’s early design phase and considers all potential environmental impacts and risks over the project’s life-cycle. It provides an assessment of the acceptability of the project at this early stage and will deliver environmental outcomes equivalent to the assessment process under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

The OPP process regulated by NOPSEMA includes the opportunity for interested members of the public to comment on the project during its early development stage.

Acceptance of an OPP by NOPSEMA does not mean a project can proceed. Acceptance provides approval for the subsequent submission of separate Environment Plans (EPs) for project activities for assessment and acceptance by NOPSEMA.

The OPP and all supporting appendices are now available for public comment on the NOPSEMA website at

Please refer to the NOPSEMA website for information on how to provide comment.

In accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994, on 1 October 2020, Santos lodged with the Department of Environment and Science (DES) an Environmental Authority amendment application (Major) for the Fairview Arcadia Project Area Environmental Authority (EPPG00928713). The application seeks the inclusion of new conditions into the EA relating to the release of water from low point drains as part of ongoing field operations. The resource activity is proposed to occur on the following tenures: ATP2012, ATP526, PL100, PL1017, PL232, PL233, PL234, PL235, PL236, PL420, PL421, PL440, PL90, PL91, PL92, PL99, PPL76 and PPL92.

  • View the Application Form here
  • View the Supporting Information Report here
  • View the Response to Information Request Notice here
  • View the Public Notice here.
  • View the preliminary documentation here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix A here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix B here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix C-1 here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix C-2 here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix D here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix E here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix F here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix G here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix H here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix I-1 here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix I-2 here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix J here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix K here.

In accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994, on 10 February 2022, Santos lodged with the Department of Environment and Science (DES) an Application to Amend Environmental Authority EPPG00641613. The application seeks a change to the scale and intensity of the activities on PL 302.

  • View the Application Form here.
  • View the Supporting Information Report (including Appendix D) here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix A here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix B here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix C here.
  • View the Supporting Information Appendix E here.
  • View the Public Notice here.

In accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994, on 26 July 2022, Santos lodged with the Department of Environment and Science (DES) an Application to Amend Environmental Authority EPPG00407213. The application seeked to list a new relevant resource tenure, PL 1087.

  • View the Public Notice here.
  • View the Response to Information Notice here.
  • View the Supporting Information Report here.

Santos is a participant in the development of the ‘NERA Collaborative Seismic Environment Plan (CSEP)’ In 2018, NERA established an industry consortium to create a common framework for seismic exploration in North-West Australia.

The major milestone was achieved recently when the CSEP was submitted to NOPSEMA on 8 September 2022 and is now open for comment. If accepted by NOPSEMA, the common Environment Plan framework will be valid for a period of at least five years and will enable consistent assessment of environmental impacts when applying for and conducting seismic acquisition activities in the CSEP project area. To participate in the comment process and download the Environment Plan, please visit the NOPSEMA website.

Please click here for more project information.

In accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994, on 29th May 2023, Santos lodged with the Department of Environment and Science (DES) an application to amend (Major) the Roma Backbone Environmental Authority (EPPG04323316). The application seeks authorisation to construct and operate a range of ancillary infrastructure in relation to Petroleum Pipeline Licences (PPLs) 2021 and 2061. Further, the application seeks several administrative amendments to the Environmental Authority.

View the Application here.

The South West Queensland (SWQ) Underground Water Impact Report (UWIR) has been approved. Copies of the report can be obtained by contacting or the community hotline 1800 761 113.

Please find a link to the Notice of approval of underground water impact report (UWIR) here.

In accordance with the requirements of section 34(10)(b) of the Competition and Consumer (Gas Market Code) Regulations 2023 Santos publish the following information relating to uncontracted gas and Expressions of Interest for the reporting year 01-10-2024 to 30-09-2026.

Please note that this disclosure excludes Santos’ equity share of production for the GLNG joint venture project. See for further details.

In accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994, on 11 May 2022, Santos lodged with the Department of Environment and Science (DES) an Application to Amend Environmental Authority EA0002115. The application seeks a change to the scale and intensity of the activities on PPL2050.

  • Please view application package here.
  • Please view Information Request here.
  • Please view updated ecology report here.

Assessment application for a Regional Interest Development Approval (RIDA) as required under Part 3 division 2 of the Regional Planning Interests Acts 2014 (RPI Act).

RPI24-005 Assessment Application Form
RPI24-005 Supporting Report
RPI24/005 Public Notice