As a tradition of the company every year Santos through our Dili office employees hold a meaningful annual Christmas celebration with more than 50 students from a kindergarten school, Escola Pre-Primaria Nazare II Maubisse.
Recently, the team travelled to Maubisse to celebrate and hand out Christmas presents to the students and food vouchers to all four dedicated teachers at the school.
Both students and teachers were very happy receiving presents and food vouchers, and endlessly thanked Santos employees for their contribution.
“Thank you very much for your generosity, these presents are very meaningful, which allow us to celebrate this important time of the year with our families.
We pray that you all will be in good health so that you can continue to do your work and visit us again next year.”, said Paulina Araújo, one of the teachers.
The 2023 Christmas donation were made possible thanks to Bayu-Undan offshore employees for their fundraising, through the Cash for Cans Initiative.
Doasaun Natal 2023 husi Santos ba Eskola Maubisse
Nu’udar tradisaun kompañia ne’e nian, tinan-tinan Santos liu husi ami-nia funsionáriu sira iha eskritóriu Dili hala’o selebrasaun Natal anuál ho estudante liu 50 (lima nulu) husi eskola jardín infantil Eskola Pre-Primaria Nazare II Maubisse.
Foin lalais ne’e, ekipa refere halo viajen ba Maubisse hodi selebra no entrega prezente Natal ba estudante sira no vouchers ai-han nian ba profesór dedikadu na’in haat iha eskola refere.
Estudante no profesór sira kontente tebes simu prezente no vouchers ai-han, no agradese ba funsionáriu sira iha Santos ba sira-nia kontribuisaun.
“Hau agradese tebes ba imi-nia laran-luak, prezente sira-ne’e mak buat ne’ebé importante tebes, tanba ne’e ami bele selebra tempu importante iha tinan ne’e hamutuk ho ami-nia família sira.
Ami harohan katak imi hotu sei iha saúde di’ak atu nune’e imi bele kontinua halo imi-nia serbisu no vizita fali ami iha tinan oin. ” dehan Pauloina Araujo, mestre ida.
Doasaun Natal tinan 2023 ne’e sai posivel, nune’e hakarak agradese ba funsionáriu sira husi Bayu-Undan offshore ba sira-nia fundu, liuhusi Inisiativa Cash for Cans.