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New Customer for the Cooper Basin

Santos Limited and the other South West Queensland Gas Producers (Producers) have announced the addition of an important new customer for Cooper Basin gas.The Producers have signed a new long term contract with BHP Billiton Minerals Pty Limited for the supply of gas to its Cannington Mine in northwest Queensland.

BHP Billiton has agreed to purchase up to a total of 14 petajoules (PJ) from the Producers over 8 years with first supplies commencing December 2003 ramping up to full supply in late 2005.

Santos is pleased to secure BHP Billiton as a new customer and to supply gas to the Cannington Mine which is one of the worlds leading silver and lead producing mines, said Mr John Ellice-Flint, Santos Managing Director.

Cannington Mine is a significant contributor to the Queensland and Australian economies and we are delighted to assist BHP Billiton in supplying energy to their value adding operations on this world class deposit.

The interests of the South West Queensland Gas Producers are:

Santos (operator) 60.1%
Delhi (ExxonMobil) 23.2%
Origin Energy 16.7%

Santos Limited is a major Australian oil and gas exploration and production company with interests in all Australian hydrocarbon provinces. The Santos Group also operates in the USA, Indonesia and PNG.