Australian energy company Santos will establish a community committee in the Upper Hunter Shire area as part of its ongoing coal seam gas (CSG) exploration in the area.
Australian energy company Santos will establish a community committee in the Upper Hunter Shire area as part of its ongoing coal seam gas (CSG) exploration in the area.
The committee will serve as a conduit between the community and Santos, allowing the company to hear the community’s views and work together to allay any concerns, complementing Santos’ ongoing community engagement.
Santos is seeking community feedback on the potential structure and membership at the upcoming Upper Hunter Shire coal and CSG forum.
Sam Crafter, Santos’ Public Affairs Manager for New South Wales, believes it is important for the community to have input into the committee from the beginning.
“We want the committee to be a genuine form of engagement where the community can table any concerns and we can work collaboratively on solutions,” Mr Crafter said.
“We hope the community will provide us with their feedback on what they think will work best for their area.”
Representatives from Santos will be available throughout the coal and CSG forum to discuss the committee with members of the community.
Draft copies of the committee’s charter and application process are publicly available for comment on the Santos website.
For further information please contact:
Sam Crafter
M: 0422 005 077