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Barossa Gas Project: Learn more

Casino 2 Exploration Well

Santos Limited, as operator of VIC/P44 confirms a non commercial gas discovery in the offshore Victorian section of the Otway Basin.

The exploration well Casino 2 reached a total depth of 2112 metres from rotary table (2087 metres below sea level) after penetrating two hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs, confirmed by initial wireline log analysis.

Evaluation of the well results will now commence to determine the significance of the Casino gas discovery. However initial evaluation suggests that the discovery can not commercially support a stand alone development.

The well was plugged and abandoned on 7 October 2002.

The rig is expected to demobilise on 10 October 2002, weather permitting.

Interests in VIC/P44 are:

Santos 50% (operator)
Strike Oil 50%

Santos Limited is a major Australian oil and gas exploration and production company with interests in all Australian hydrocarbon provinces. The Santos Group also operates in the USA, Indonesia and PNG.