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Barossa Gas Project: Learn more

Santos notes the decision of the Federal Court of Australia today ruling pipelay activities can commence on an 86km section of pipeline for the Barossa Gas Export Pipeline (GEP).

As per the ruling, no activity will occur south of kilometre point 86 (KP86), as outlined on the map below.

The Court has set 4 December 2023 as the date of commencement of the hearing of application brought by Mr Simon Munkara and two others seeking to restrain Santos from continuing the pipelay until it revises its environmental plan after re-consultation with relevant persons, and NOPSEMA accepts a revised plan.

As detailed in its ASX announcement on 2 November 2023, Santos intends to vigorously defend those proceedings.

Santos is committed to delivering the Barossa Gas Project.

With the Barossa Project set to supply the Darwin LNG plant for years to come, it is important for local jobs, as well as opportunities for Traditional Owners, exports, and relationships with investors and gas customers in Asia, that this project continues.