South Australian Premier the Hon Mike Rann MP officially launched the Santos Conservation Centre at Adelaide Zoo today.
South Australian Premier the Hon Mike Rann MP officially launched the Santos Conservation Centre at Adelaide Zoo today.
The Santos Conservation Centre is the result of a joint commitment to sustainability between Australian energy company Santos and Zoos South Australia.
Santos is contributing $2 million over four years to establish the centre, as part of the company’s widespread community support program.
Santos Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director David Knox said, “Santos is committed to conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner.
“We are thrilled to support the Santos Conservation Centre as a space for individuals and the not-for-profit, public and private sectors to come together to work toward a sustainable future,” said Mr Knox.
Zoos South Australia exists to save species from extinction, while reconnecting people with nature.
Zoos South Australia Chief Executive Officer Professor Chris West said: “Extraordinarily 50% of all mammals in the world that have become extinct in the last 200 years have come from Australia.”
“As human behaviour has had a profound impact on the wellbeing of our planet, the Santos Conservation Centre aims to inspire, inform and empower the community to make a difference,” said Professor West.
The Santos Conservation Centre is freely accessible to the public and will present issues and activities that raise community awareness of nature conservation.